Caregiver Guilt! We all experience it. Even caregivers who appear to have it all together. Laura Wayman, known as the Dementia Whisperer, hears stories of guilt from her caregiver clients all the time. And the guilt serves no one, least of all the caregiver. Kim Hegwood will be talking to Laura about the different beliefs caregivers have that create the guilt they experience.

1. Other caregivers are doing a better job

2. You treated an older adult poorly before a diagnosis

3. You have negative feelings about your older adult

4. You get angry or irritated and lose your temper

5. You want time for yourself

With over a decade of experience and a strong dedication to quality aging, Laura Wayman holds an associate’s degree in gerontology and is a certified social services designee. Her innovative approach to the caregiving process has given her valuable insights into how caregivers can enhance and even enjoy their relationships with their loved ones or clients. During her career, she has developed the affirmative response method, an easy-to-learn, easy-to-apply communication style for connecting with the person who has dementia. As a result, she is a sought-after speaker with extensive experience in keynote addresses and break-out programs.

Visit Laura's website  or give her a call at 916-792-7512


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