I remember my mother, she used to always love coming to her grandchildren's events at school. And even when she didn't really know what was going on, she still just really enjoyed it. Until one day she just didn't enjoy it. It was confusing. The clapping was loud, it was dark. She just wanted to leave. And I think when those types of setbacks happen and your loved one has progressed more in the disease, it's helpful to acknowledge it. And then try to reframe it. ~ Mary Moreland- Author of The Gap Between Loving and Supporting Someone with Alzheimer’s

Today Kim Hegwood and Mary Moreland will be discussing how to support someone with Alzheimer’s.

Title: The Gap Between Loving and Supporting Someone with Alzheimer's.

A few of the questions Kim will ask to include:

· Tell me a little about your background and why you are passionate to help families with caregivers.

· People tell caregivers from time to time, "I hope you are taking care of yourself". Do you find a lot of times caregivers say yes even when they are not?

· So, how can people encourage fellow caregivers to take breaks and seek help when needed?

· How would you suggest caregivers deal with setbacks?

What are some tips for caregivers that need to better manage their time?
A portion of book profits are going to AWARE -      could you tell me about AWARE?

How to Contact Mary Moreland

Links to Add to Show

Website: https://www.marymoreland.com/

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://facebook.com/thegapbetweenbook

Instagram: https://instagram.com/the_gapbetween_

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegap_between

LinkedIn: Mary Moreland | LinkedIn


Author Mary Moreland is a lawyer and a single parent of two teenage sons. Currently raising her family and practicing law in Houston, Moreland has spent the bulk of her 25-year legal career working on transactions outside the United States, principally in Latin America.  In addition to her transactional work, Moreland has vast experience in ethics and compliance matters, having served as the chief compliance officer for two publicly traded international companies.

The Gap Between marks Moreland’s debut as an author, and conveys a moving, deeply personal portrait of her family’s journey through the disease. Offering first-hand insights, the book reflects her commitment to supporting others caring for Alzheimer’s patients.


Contact Kim Hegwood- Elder Law Attorney

Website: https://hegwoodgroup.com

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HegwoodLaw

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/hegwoodlaw/

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ZaoTAWChvaz-HEFQcdcbQ

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