Today’s Life Happens Show will be about children, especially those on the spectrum. Kim Hegwood’s guest today will be speech pathologist Meera Ravel. Ms. Ravel’s company, Super Speech Solutions is dedicated to helping individuals with speech impediments or challenges overcome these difficulties.

Kim and Meera’s conversation:

Title: Speech Therapy – Could This be the Solution for Your Child?

Kim will ask Meera:

1. Tell us about your journey as a Speech Therapist.

2. What does a Speech Therapist do?

3. What are some red flags that parents should look for in regard to speech and language?

4. What are some things parents and caregivers can do to build speech and language at home?

5. What do you specialize in? What certifications do you have?

6. What are the differences between in-school Speech Therapy and private Speech Therapy?

Contact Meera Ravel

[email protected]

Phone: (713) 364-4398


Contact Kim Hegwood- Elder Law Attorney


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