The dark side is when polypharmacy leads to patient harm. So people that tend to take more than almost seven meds or so are at a higher risk of falls, a higher
risk of over-sedation, and a higher risk of medication side effects. And so, a lot of times seniors go to the ER or hospital because of this reason. And it's
because they're taking so many meds, they're not sure what the drug interactions are, and it puts them in harm's way. ~ DeLon Canterbury,
PharmD, BCGP


Title- Polypharmacy and Our Elder Community- What You Need To Know



1. What is polypharmacy?

2.   What are the dangers of overmedication in our senior population?

3.   What is deprescribing and how can it help?

4.   How can deprescribing help someone with Alzheimer’s or other related dementia?

5.   Should families talk to their pharmacist if they are concerned about overmedication?

How to Contact Delon



[email protected]



GeriatRx is a pharmacist-led medication management company that focuses on helping overwhelmed caregivers stop their loved ones from being
overmedicated using genetic-drug screening, deprescribing, and health cost savings strategies. We specialize in developing medication action plans for
patients of all ages, but with a specialty in Geriatric care.

Unlike your traditional pharmacist, we develop a three-month strategy to address overmedicated patients using a holistic and
evidence-based approach in accordance with your prescriber so that there are no gaps in communication of care.

Founder of the Deprescribing Accelerator, DeLon envisions all pharmacists and senior care providers as Deprescribing Advocates and coaches professionals on how to integrate, leverage, and monetize
Deprescribing into clinical practice!

The Deprescribing Accelerator trains passionate nurses, pharmacists, and prescribers on how they
can be serving our overmedicated seniors by increasing your revenue’s practice
with referrals and a value-based, sustainable care model within your business.



Contact Kim Hegwood- Elder Law Attorney



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1150 Clear Lake City Blvd., Suite 100

Houston, TX 77062

(281) 218-0880