The Importance of Self-expression in Dementia Care: "Expressing sense of self, which is what we're focused on, is, to my mind, the single most important thing we can do for our loved ones and our clients. If imagine that we cannot say who we are, what we've done in our lives, what we think about the world, what we're experiencing now, imagine we can't do that. It is like being in a, you know, a sheath that you can't get out of."— Mandy Salomon


Title: How Can the Digital World Help Someone with Dementia?

Welcome to another episode of "Life Happens with Kim Hegwood." In today's episode, we have a special guest, Mandy Salomon, joining us to discuss an incredibly innovative
and inspiring topic: the role of digital technology in supporting individuals with dementia. Mandy has developed a fascinating software that aims to enhance the lives of those living with dementia and their caregivers.

We'll dive deep into the reasons behind the software's effectiveness, the importance of care partners in this program, and the exciting future of an AI care partner. Join us as we
explore how technology can foster a sense of self, provide access to cherished memories, and create a virtual world that caters to the needs of those with cognitive decline. It's time to embrace the power of technology and discover how it can truly make a positive impact on the lives of individuals living with dementia. Stay tuned for an enlightening conversation with Mandy Salomon on "Digital Dementia Game."


How to Contact Mandy

email : [email protected]

Linkedin :

Twitter (X) : @msalomon


Books or Other Products that would interest




Mandy Salomon, Co-founder of Mentia

Mandy was well-known in the theatre and television world in her home country, Australia when she made an unusual and unexpected pivot. After raising her family, she went back to university for the first time in 30 years, where she embarked on a Ph.D. to solve what she saw was a big unanswered question: how
can people living with dementia lead a digital life? She built a software prototype that she took to the United States and built Mentia, a San Francisco-based software company that focuses on helping people with cognitive decline find their voice.  


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