Finding Calm Amid Chaos:
"The biggest piece to going from chaos to calm is understanding and accepting that your life has changed, accepting that you're going to do the
best you can with the information you have at the time and that through that, you're learning."— Katherine Knight


Title: From Chaos to Calm: ACaregiver's Guide to Dementia

In this episode of Life Happens with Kim Hegwood, the focus is on caregiving and the challenges that come with it. Kim is joined by Catherine Knight, who runs a company called Parents Dementia Journey, and the discussion centers on providing guidance for caregivers dealing with dementia, from the initial chaos to a calmer state.

The conversation covers various aspects of caregiving, including dealing with loved ones' unhealthy eating habits, finding the right caregivers, and building
confidence. The speakers also emphasized the importance of support systems, learning from experiences, and being able to pivot and adapt to changing
circumstances. The ultimate goal is to help listeners learn how to take care of their loved ones with dementia in the best possible way.


How to Contact Katherine

[email protected]

Social Media


IG: KKnight707


Katherine Knight became a care hero when her mother was diagnosed with dementia. She struggled to balance caring for her mother, her husband, her children, and her own life. Initially overwhelmed and unsure of how to manage it all, Katherine found her way and decided to use her experience to help others. She now advocates for caregivers, providing practical advice and support for anyone facing a similar situation. Katherine knows firsthand the chaos that can happen when a loved one receives a life-changing diagnosis, and she is determined to make the journey smoother for others.

Katherine is the creator of Parent’s Dementia Journey. Her company, Parent’s Dementia Journey offers courses and coaching, teaching Care
Hero’s tools and techniques so their lives move from feeling frustrated, angry, anxiety-ridden, and totally overwhelmed to being calm and in control of
their lives. Her mother was diagnosed with dementia. After overcoming many intense challenges caring for her mom, taking classes, and talking with
hundreds of caregivers of loved ones with dementia, she decided to help others on this difficult journey. Katherine is the author of an Amazon Bestseller,
“Parent’s Dementia Journey, The Caregiver Guide from Chaos to Calm” which has been sold in 6 countries. Katherine has over 4,000 friends on Facebook.  



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