Today's show about Dementia features a special guest. Christine Thelker is living with a dementia diagnosis. She is the author of " For this I Am Grateful, Living With Dementia". Christine will change the way you think about dementia and help you realize that a dementia diagnosis is not the end of life.

Kim will be asking Christine:

1. How old were you when you received a dementia diagnosis?

2. How long did it take to develop this Attitude of Gratitude about your disease?

3. Was the DIA helpful in how you began to look at your disease?

4. What do you want Doctors and other medical professionals to know about people with dementia?

5. What do you want families to know?

6. Tell us about your book- why did you decide to write it?

Christine Thelker is 61 years old and has been living with Dementia since the age of 55. She lives in Vernon BC, Canada, and spends her time advocating, writing, and visiting with her family and friends. She especially enjoys her time with her little dog, Phoebe. Christine loves to walk, be close to the water, and enjoys gardening. She is well-known for her positive attitude and her sense of humor. She loves to smile. Christine is proving that living well after a dementia diagnosis is possible.

Her book can be found:


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