What do you do when your aging parents calls you multiple times a day even when you are at work? Today, we will be addressing common issues that families of aging adults often encounter.

Kim will ask Dr. Koepp the following questions.

1. What are the signs that an aging parent may need more help than they realize (or that they are asking for?)

2. What Tips do you have for the adult caring for an aging parent who is calling multiple times a day.

3. How to have difficult conversations with aging parents

4. What are common mental health concerns in older adults?

5. What do you recommend for older adults with mental health concerns?


Dr. Regina Koepp is a clinical geropsychologist, and founder and director of the Center for Mental Health & Aging: the “go-to” place online for mental health and aging. She is Vice-Chair of the Georgia Psychological Association Ethics Committee.

She is the creator and host of the Psychology of Aging Podcast and is a contributing writer at Psychology Today, where she discusses mental health and aging. She has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, and Insider.

Prior to founding the Center for Mental Health & Aging, Dr. Koepp was an assistant professor at Emory University School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and former staff psychologist at the Atlanta VA Health Care System, where she provided direct patient care and consultation on the Geropsychiatry Outpatient Mental Health team for more than a decade.

Find more information:


Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drreginakoepp

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/regina-koepp-psyd-abpp-a83a2825/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/drreginakoepp/


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