Guilt vs Resentment: "If you have a choice between guilt and resentment, choose guilt." ~Karen Anderson

Title: Dementia Caregiving for Mom When She's Also Difficult and/or Abusive

🔸 I had the honor of being a guest on the latest episode of "Life Happens with Kim Hegwood" podcast, where I discussed dementia caregiving and the complexities of family relationships with host Kim Hegwood.
🔸 We delved into the challenges of being a caregiver for a family member with dementia, including dealing with difficult or abusive behavior, setting boundaries, and managing feelings of guilt and resentment.
🔸 If you want to gain insight into navigating the emotional and practical aspects of caregiving for a loved one with dementia, be sure to check out this episode!

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Quick side note: I was my maternal grandmother's legal guardian for the last three years of her life. She had dementia. I ended up in the role because of the tremendously difficult/abusive relationship she had with my mother. I have worked with several clients who are in the exact position we'll be talking about on this episode: how to care for a difficult mother/person (who may have abused you as a child and throughout your life) while maintaining healthy boundaries.

Short Bio:

Karen C.L. Anderson is a master-certified life coach who writes for and works with adult daughters who want to take care of themselves in the relationship they have with their difficult and/or abusive mothers. She also works with mothers who want to improve the relationship they have with their adult daughters. Karen's newest book is You Are Not Your Mother: Releasing Generational Trauma and Shame

Contact Kim Hegwood- Elder Law Attorney
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Your Legacy Legal Care
1150 Clear Lake City Blvd., Suite 100
Houston, TX 77062
(281) 218-0880