Smart Home Integration for Elder Care: "Bigger in the meaning that, it also can have some kind of smart devices, moving sensors, fall sensors, mode detectors, remote lockers, all these types of stuff. And all these devices, all these sensors will provide you with some kind of information, right, you need, to make sure that the person you're carrying on, it's okay."— Tomas Poska

In this week's episode of Life Happens with Kim Hegwood, we had the pleasure of hosting Tomas Poska, the creator of a digital app designed to help seniors stay at home with remote care. Tomas detailed how the app can provide automatic information, video calls, and connected devices for added safety and convenience.

He also discussed the different applications of the app for both home care companies and families. We explored the security measures in place and how individuals can easily access and benefit from the app. Tune in to learn more about this innovative solution for senior care and the impact it's making in the lives of many.

How to Contact Tomas, [email protected], (347) 626-1867

Instagram: tomasoscarsr, oscarseniorapp. Facebook: Oscar Senior. LinkedIn: Oscar Senior, Tomas Posker

Tomas Poska is the innovative mind behind Oscar Senior, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize remote care for the elderly and other individuals in need of support. His creation goes beyond traditional communication methods, seamlessly integrating comprehensive monitoring and interaction capabilities.

Tomas saw the limitations of regular phone and video calls — they provide connection but lack the ability to inform family and friends about the daily activities and well-being of their loved ones. With Oscar Senior, Tomas addresses this gap by offering not just voice and video communication but also automatic updates on the user's activity. These updates could include movement within the home, ensuring the person hasn't fallen or suffered an accident, and their level of engagement with the system's features.

His system embodies compassion and innovation, empowering those at a distance to stay connected with their family members in a more meaningful and reassuring way. Users of Oscar Senior can relax knowing they'll be promptly notified of any important events or changes in the activity patterns of their relatives.

Tomas Poska is dedicated to improving the standard of remote care, offering peace of mind for users and their families, and fostering an environment where despite physical distance, emotional and supportive connections continue to thrive. His work reflects a commitment to enriching the lives of the elderly and their caregivers through thoughtful technology solutions.

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