It would be fair to say Hamish is not a conventional man.  Check out The Bizarre Houseboats of Britain to see what I mean. He thinks and acts differently and the effect is certainly different. In this conversation he tells us:

- Why he got rid of the TV at 18 years old
- Why he rescued a shapely old Portsmouth Ferry from the riverbed
- How his floating home became a reflection of his warped self
- What a squircle is
- The freedom that comes from a frugal lifestyle
- The simple way to get a bus on a boat
- Why he and nature prefer curves to rectangles
- How a spell at VSO shaped him
- His unwillingness to ask for help
- His confidence in his own ability to solve practical problems
- Why he's done with the car
- Why he's done with politics
- Why we should listen to Greta Thunberg
- He's ready for a change and fancies getting his hands on a wood

Greta Thunberg