Previous Episode: King Rob in the Flesh
Next Episode: Episode 8

Fuck your New Years resolutions. We don't really talk about anything thats all that important, don't know what lessons were learned over the course of making this episode, we don't really understand what was added to the story of humanity by publishing this podcast, but here you go. Maybe the sound quality is still shit... maybe if y'all started paying me to do this I'd figure out how to fix it, but until then this is what y'all get. One year for Christmas during the Great Depression my great grandma got a single sock and coffee beans. Five years old, running around with one sock on drinking black coffee like a fucking gangster. Moral of the story is be grateful for what you have. For you that means being grateful for this shit podcast, for me that means being grateful 7 people are bored enough to listen to us talk out of our ass for over two hours.