Join Celeste Morgan for “The Golden Ticket: Surrendering to Your Innocence” on the Celestial Show.

Astrologically, we are experiencing some interesting shifts. We are in the midst of the Mercury Retrograde. Neptune Retrograde will be starting on June 9th. We also have a Full Moon in Sagittarius on Friday the 13th. We won’t experience another full moon on Friday the 13th until 2049. For some, this could be a time of fear. For others, it could be the beginning of a fun ride.

Join Celeste Morgan to get your “golden ticket” gifted to us by the energy of the day which happens to be 3. However, we are going to focus on the number 12.  All Aboard!! Are you ready to surrender to joy? Let’s talk about the Hanged One in Motherpeace Tarot and the Porcupine of Medicine Cards. Both have messages that you can take with you. The key is to become like a child! 

Celeste Morgan is an intuitive reader who also works extensively with numbers. Join her as she weaves stories using cards, music, and movies  to provide you with a new outlook to experience the best in your life.  Reclaim Your “ME Power” by spending your Sunday Night with Celeste and get ready to jump start your spiritual awakening and fall in love with YOU again. There will be on the air readings…so be sure to call in early! 

Call in 347 426 3346 or post your questions on "The Celestial Show with Celeste Morgan" fan (LIKE) page on Facebook.