Life Coach Ade is flying solo for “Love Life Enough to Reveal Her Secrets to You” on the Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show.

George Washington Carver once said, “Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough.” The same is true for life. The password to life's secret is LOVE. Not sentimentality, but a deep profound love that is inspired from within your soul.

Be still and know that you are love in action.

Join Life Coach Ade for a consciousness expanding shifting show. 

Call in 347 426 3346 or post your questions on "Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show" fan  (LIKE) page on Facebook.

Also, don't miss Celestial Moment with Celeste Morgan. She offers the energy of the day!

This show will shift your consciousness. Empower you to create a space and a place for inspiration, transformation and healing.

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