Join Celeste Morgan on the Celestial Show for "Love: Ancestral Style."

Your first true love is you, but have you ever wondered if you had any supporters? Sure you do! An army of ancestors and spiritual guides just waiting for you to ask for assistance. Do you know where you are going to? It's okay to check in. Get ready for a deeper love when you surrender your fears and really start listening. Launch your "rockets of desire" from a space of empowerment. When we surrender our fears about love, we make room for more of it in our lives. You don't have to do it alone and I want to help you mine your spiritual diamonds. 

I’m pulling cards and preparing great tools for you to weave a web of delight! There will be on the air readings…so be sure to call in early! 

Call in 347 426 3346 or post your questions on "The Celestial Show with Celeste Morgan" fan (LIKE) page on Facebook.

The Celestial Show with Celeste Morgan is the place and a space to take an interactive, fun approach to getting to know who you really are and learning how to embrace all of you through the use of introspective tools like Tarot, Medicine Cards and Black Angel Cards. 

Celeste Morgan is an intuitive reader who also works extensively with numbers.  Join her as she weaves stories using cards, music, and movies  to provide you with a new outlook to experience the best in your life. Reclaim Your “ME Power” by spending your Sunday Night with Celeste and get ready to jump start your spiritual awakening and fall in love with YOU again.