Life Coach Ade is joined by Christine Job (Author. Consultant. Entrepreneur. Catalyst)  for " The Courage To Say Yes To Your Vision" on the Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show on

We continue the conversation on the Theme of Month: Inner Vision. Today, Life Coach Ade and his special guest - Christine Job will discuss the courage it takes to say YES to one's "Inner Vision"

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Christine Job creates content and provides services that promote high vibrational thinking, believing, acting, interacting and living. She believes entrepreneurship is a method of self-actualization. As a strategist and consultant she works with clients to uncover their purpose, live in alignment with that purpose and share that purpose with the world. "I Do What I Want" is the title of Christine’s first book and is her long held motto.. “I Do What I Want” is written from the perspective of a rehabbed people pleaser who went from College Floater to a Law School Queen Bee, graduating with a kick ass job (taking her to Africa within two weeks of graduation) to leaving it all to do what she really wanted, start her own consulting company, write, and launch the music festival SeekerFest.

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