Join Life Coach Ade  on the Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show.

Join Life Coach Ade for "Birthing Divine Ideas: This Thing Called You." on the Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show.

There is an order to life. For whatever you want to achieve, there are steps, systems, experiences (painful and joyful) that you will go through. There is the correct/balanced way to do it and then there is the slow (forceful) way to go about it. 

When you are in the process of birthing divine ideas, it is useful to understand that the idea is coming/being birthed through you. That there is a higher power involved, just like the birthing of a baby. Pregnancy asks for the availability of the Parents and the community. When everyone does their part, the process makes everyone more - more expansive, more abundant and we are left with a deeper awareness of who we truly are. We are also empowered to trust life, nature, self and God.

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This show will shift your consciousness. Empower you to create a space and a place for inspiration, transformation and healing.

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