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This week on the Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show, the special guest is Bruce Lipton discussing  "Biology of Belief and Subconscious Programming." 

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Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows. He has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

He lectures to conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings, entitled The Biology of Belief , Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect