Join Lisa Iversen and Life Coach Ade for "Ancestral Blueprints: Partnership, Love and Ancestry." on Life Conversations Radio Network.

Through whose eyes are you looking when you look at your partner, spouse, marriage, partnership? Your mother’s, father’s, grandmother’s or grandfather’s, your own? Can you sense your parents supportively behind you, blessing you to see your partner clearly when you look at her/him, or are you looking for your mother or father in your partner? If you are single and prefer not to be, is there anyone in your family or ancestry who had difficulty in or loss of relationships with whom you may be in resonance?

Join Lisa Iversen and Life Coach Ade to explore this conversation as they reveal invisible truths and offer healing through a sacred conversation.

Call in 347 426 3346 or via SKYPE 

Learn how the unacknowledged truths in your Ancestral Blueprints may still be influencing your life today. Open your heart and mind to how the family soul's universal laws of love around belonging, balance, and justice connect all of us to one another.

With Life Coach Ade and Lisa Iversen, psychotherapist, Systemic Family Constellations Facilitator, and author of Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America's Soul.