This conversation (interview) explores the subject of Parapsychology with renowned U.S. expert Loyd Auerbach MS, who works in the San Francisco Bay Area (California). We discuss his book ‘Reincarnation, Possession and Channeling’ and various PSI experiences. Loyd shares details that can help to differentiate what’s psychological, or from the subconscious mind, and what can be considered extra normal phenomena.

We consider psychological conditions that may account for particular forms of channeling and how to attempt to validate channeled information. Parapsychology also examines and performs studies involving energetic healing (known as Psychokinesis); Loyd shares examples of this, as well as a fascinating study on the power of intention.

Having open discussions and asking all sorts of questions is how we understand the seen and unseen world around us.

Loyd mentions his new book 'Near Death: A Raney/Daye Investigation' - the first book of a new series that he co-authored with Rich Hosek & Arnold Rudnick - find it on Amazon

Find more of Loyd's books and his bio on his Author Page


President of the Forever Family Foundation

Rhine Research Centre




References from the show:

Effects of intentionally enhanced chocolate on mood:

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