Isaiah 53:1-5

God’s ultimate goal is that we are healed and healthy.

Isaiah 61:1 - This is the verse Jesus reads to launch His ministry in Luke 4.

Grieving differs from family to family, culture to culture. 

John 8:32

7 Defense Mechanisms:
1. Denial or selective forgetfulness 
2. Minimizing
3. Blaming others
4. Blaming yourself
5. Rationalizing
6. Intellectualizing
7. Hostility

Job gives us a beautiful picture of how we are to grieve:
1. Pay attention 
2. Wait in the confusing in-between 
3. Embrace the gift of limits 
4. Climb the ladder of humility

Job 19:25

We will acknowledge, grieve, and pray.

Today I acknowledge the loss of my: 

Advice from people who have walked through grief and loss:
1. Talk about it with trusted people.  
2. “Check in” on people going through times of grief.  
3. It’s not helpful to hear, “If you need anything let me know.” Be proactive! 
4. Feel free to share a story or a meaningful thought about the lost family member. If it involves a child or miscarriage, include the mother and father in the condolences, not just the mother. 
5. Remember the passed loved one by name; it is comforting to hear their name spoken aloud.

Community Group Questions:
1. How has your family, culture, or personality taught you to deal with grief and loss?

2. What defense mechanisms have you used in dealing with grief and loss? (See notes for 7 defense mechanisms)

3. Considering Job 19:25, how have you found God in times of grief and loss?

Basics Class – If you are new to Life Chapel or wanting to get involved, our next Basics Class is March 15th. We will cover topics about our vision, beliefs, and further ministry opportunities at Life Chapel. Snacks are provided. To sign up and for more details text "chapel events" to 97000 

Guest Speaker Tony Suarez – Mark your calendars for April 5th as we welcome Guest Speaker, Tony Suarez. 

Easter Sacrifice – April 12th is our Easter Sacrifice. Please continue to pray and ask God what he would have you give. This year, we will be voting and gifting half of our Easter Sacrifice to one of the non-profit ministries Life Chapel is partnered with. Be here on Sunday, April 19th, when the ministry with the most votes is announced! Together, we can impact the 419