"When momentum really comes into play so much of the background noise fades further into the background. And then momentum builds momentum. You become unstoppable, mostly!" Susan Ni Chriodain


In this episode you are invited to explore the multifaceted journey of writing and self-discovery, offering a glimpse into the challenges and rewards. I delve into the inner and outer challenges faced during the writing process, including self-doubt, perfectionism, and the importance of acknowledging progress. And I discuss the transformative impact of sharing the manuscript. I also emphasise the value of commitment, momentum, asking for help, and adapting personal routines to enhance your creativity and productivity. And I talk about celebrating the arrival of the book!


Leading Beyond the Numbers: How Accounting for Emotions Tips the Balance at Work will be published by Practical Inspiration Publishing on May 14th, 2024.


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Resources Mentioned:

Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work will be published on May 14th 2024 by Practical Inspiration Publishing. It is available for pre-order online at major booksellers and on Amazon.

David Whyte: Consolations and Start Close In