Did you know that genetics account for 50% of our happiness? And our life circumstances 10%? That means we have the power to influence the other 40% through our actions and habits. 


In this episode, I explore the concept of happiness and how it is perceived differently by individuals. I discuss the relationship between mood and emotions and how they affect our overall well-being. I share some research on happiness, talk about happiness at work. I also share three practical ways to "chase" happiness, including savouring experiences, identifying your character strengths, and expanding your emotional vocabulary through affect labelling.


Resources Mentioned:

Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader's Guide To The Real World by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall

VIA Character Strengths Website

An Emotional Dictionary: Real Words for How You Feel, from Angst to Zwodder by Susie Dent

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig

The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopaedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust by Tiffany Watt Smith

Asking one simple question can entirely change how you feel, Psyche