"....isn't that true of so many issues in organisations that it's just because people don't speak to each other and they don't listen to the other side. And that for me is the root, if we're talking about psychological safety, that is at the root. It's the willingness on all sides to be open and to listen." Dr. Susanne Evans


Does psychological safety have an impact at work? In this episode Dr Susanne Evans, David Lee and I explore the concept of psychological safety and the impact it has on our working lives. We talk about the work environment, power dynamics, being open, listening and treating one another as humans. We wonder if the term gets interpreted at times as never having to feel uncomfortable. We all agree that feeling uncomfortable at work is inevitable at times but feeling unsafe isn't. And we talk about taking responsibility for our own behaviour. 


Dr Susanne Evans is an organisation change consultant, trainer, coach and researcher on a mission to change the way that transformations are managed in organisations. She founded Feldspar Consulting in 2007 to help her clients lead change in a more human, effective way. As well as writing and speaking about organisation change, Susanne hosts open storytelling workshops, supporting organisations and individuals in writing a compelling story for themselves, and she is the host of the popular ChangeStories podcast.

David Lee is a coach, consultant, workshop facilitator, keynote speaker, and author, who loves creating a win/win/win relationship between people and the organizations they work for. He helps leaders and leadership teams learn how to become "people whisperers", and by doing so, increase their ability to make their organization THE choice for "A List Talent" and inspire the best in their people.


Connect with Susanne

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Through her website: Feldspar Consulting

Listen to Change Stories podcast


Connect with David

On LinkedIn 

Through his website Human Nature at Work


Resources Mentioned:

Amy Edmondson on Psychological Safety

Dealing with a Difficult Coworker by David Lee

Google & Project Aristotle