Ramadan is not only the month of fasting but also the month of giving, with the reward for charity and good deeds multiplied during this time. It’s during this time that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him encouraged us to give more generously. In fact we are taught that in being generous, this is the way that we are increased in prosperity. In a hadith, “Allah says, ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’”
The Prophet peace be upon him said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things, including Sadaqah Jariyah, or charity that continues on after his passing. There are many forms of charity, and people are encouraged to give what they can.
The blessings in giving cannot be underestimated, with many psychological benefits as well. Studies show that giving money gave people more joy and happiness than spending it on themselves, with a similar effect arising out of performing acts of kindness.
Just as importantly, giving also promotes cooperation and social connection, with a ripple effect where you are more likely to receive in return. Even more powerfully, when we give, it evokes empathy and gratitude.
Sally spoke to Historian and educator Idris Mears, the founder of Book Quarter at Alserkal Cultural Foundation about the importance of generosity in Ramadan and why it’s particularly important this year.

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