Alexandra is the founder of Bali Bracelet – a product made out of brass and surfboard resin. She started this business about 4 years ago and has gone a long way since then. She is a full-time entrepreneur and a traveler. She has traveled in 14 countries in the past 3 years and doesn’t stay in one place for more than 2-3 months. According to her, everything in her life is happening the way it should be.

"When you have a business, you should always be evolving."

In the past 3 years, Alexandra has tried multiple designs for her bracelet business. Before using brass and surfboard resin, she used recycled surfboard foam. She believes that building your business along the way is wiser that trying to come up with everything during starting out.  

"If you have an idea about something, it is important to just do it, go for it and do what you believed in."

She encourages people to just launch their ideas because if you let those ideas sit for too long, it might become too late. It is never easy to start a business, but she convinces people to trust in their selves.

“We are ultimately our own divine creators of whatever it is that we want”

Alexandra is launching a 3-month program of coaching for people who wants to start their business, which will start on June 1st this year. This endeavor will be for business aspirants who are on their start-up and idea phase. She wants people to pursue the life they wanted and never to hold back.