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David Taylor-Klaus is a speaker, author, and leadership coach on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives. Since 2008, DTK has empowered his tribe to take an active, intentional, and dynamic role in their development and create the kind of life-work rhythm enabling them to build profitable businesses, raise thriving families, and live wildly fulfilling lives. His best-selling new book Mindset Mondays with DTK: 52 Ways to REWIRE Your Thinking and Transform Your Life is available on Amazon worldwide.



The REWIRE framework (replacing an unhelpful behavior with a helpful one): 1. Reflect 2. Experiment 3. Write 4. Investigate 5. Revise 6. Expand (to other areas)Of these six areas, people tend away most from writing and expanding. Watch out that you don’t fall into the same trap!Expand your influence by using the Cascade Effect: Serving and leading people who will do the same for others.Use the 10-10-10 tool: Take three timelines (minutes, hours, days, years, decades, etc.). What will the impact of this decision be in 10 ___, 10 ___, and 10 ___)?Leaders need to understand the impact of their “leadership impact wake” and the gap between what it is and what they intend it to be.Managers achieve a given goal as effectively as possible, but entrepreneurs decide what they want to be true and create the conditions to make that truth a reality.



What is some lesson, saying, or experience that continues to influence your leadership to this day? Being listened to feels so much like being loved that people can scarcely tell the difference.Use three descriptors to finish this sentence: “A leader is…” Focused on impact, clear that growing your people starts with growing yourself, and in danger of over-calibrating if they’re not careful.What is a question that leaders should be asking either themselves or others? What part of the problem am I?What book would you recommend to leaders? The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel RuizIf you could get every listener to start doing something THIS week to help them be a better leader, what would it be? Breathe before you respond. Stop reacting.As a general life principle, is it better to ask “why?” or “why not?” Neither. Both can put people and organizations on the defensive. Instead, ask “who?” and “what’s important about…?”



Twitter: @dtkLinkedIn: in/davidtaylorklausInstagram: @dtkcoachingFacebook: @dtkcoachingWebsite: http://www.MindsetMondaysWithDTK.comWebsite:



Instagram: @joshuafriedemanEmail:

Download a year’s worth of weekly action steps to improve your leadership for FREE!


David Taylor-Klaus is a speaker, author, and leadership coach on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives. Since 2008, DTK has empowered his tribe to take an active, intentional, and dynamic role in their development and create the kind of life-work rhythm enabling them to build profitable businesses, raise thriving families, and live wildly fulfilling lives. His best-selling new book Mindset Mondays with DTK: 52 Ways to REWIRE Your Thinking and Transform Your Life is available on Amazon worldwide.



The REWIRE framework (replacing an unhelpful behavior with a helpful one): 1. Reflect 2. Experiment 3. Write 4. Investigate 5. Revise 6. Expand (to other areas)Of these six areas, people tend away most from writing and expanding. Watch out that you don’t fall into the same trap!Expand your influence by using the Cascade Effect: Serving and leading people who will do the same for others.Use the 10-10-10 tool: Take three timelines (minutes, hours, days, years, decades, etc.). What will the impact of this decision be in 10 ___, 10 ___, and 10 ___)?Leaders need to understand the impact of their “leadership impact wake” and the gap between what it is and what they intend it to be.Managers achieve a given goal as effectively as possible, but entrepreneurs decide what they want to be true and create the conditions to make that truth a reality.



What is some lesson, saying, or experience that continues to influence your leadership to this day? Being listened to feels so much like being loved that people can scarcely tell the difference.Use three descriptors to finish this sentence: “A leader is…” Focused on impact, clear that growing your people starts with growing yourself, and in danger of over-calibrating if they’re not careful.What is a question that leaders should be asking either themselves or others? What part of the problem am I?What book would you recommend to leaders? The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel RuizIf you could get every listener to start doing something THIS week to help them be a better leader, what would it be? Breathe before you respond. Stop reacting.As a general life principle, is it better to ask “why?” or “why not?” Neither. Both can put people and organizations on the defensive. Instead, ask “who?” and “what’s important about…?”



Twitter: @dtkLinkedIn: in/davidtaylorklausInstagram: @dtkcoachingFacebook: @dtkcoachingWebsite: http://www.MindsetMondaysWithDTK.comWebsite:



Instagram: @joshuafriedemanEmail: [email protected]


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