Dr. Patrick Porter is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, speaker, consultant, and the creator of BrainTap Technologies which uses technology to reformat how the mind works and thinks. Dr. Porter and his newest BrainTap technology helps people tap into their minds full potential through light, sound, and frequency.

If you listen, you will learn:

How to use technology for a meditation experience
How technology can offset the stress overload that we encounter
The four primary brain wave states
How to retrain and refocus your entrepreneurial mind
Not just what to think, but how to think
How to train your brain to function at its highest peak potential

Positive Changes

At an early age, Dr. Porter had experience with meditation and relaxation techniques. His dad taught him the techniques using the Silva Relaxation Sound to work on his concentration and focus. Later in life Dr. Porter learned about Neuro-Linguistic Programming which was all about digitalization and relaxation. This lead to him creating his first business, Positive Changes.

Positive Changes turned into one of the largest self-improvement franchises using mind-based technology. This made Dr. Porter a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry. The company quickly grew when they implemented a training program of the brain technology. It continued to grow strongly until some bad hires were made and their decisions changed the course of the business.

Dr. Porter decided to get out of the business and continued to receive a payout and royalties for the technology he created. The new management of Positive Changes eventually decided to stop paying him royalties and therefore ended up in a court battle with Dr. Porter. It ended in his favor and the company could not use his technology in any future sales so quickly fell apart.

After his non-compete was over, Dr. Porter got back into the brain game with the urging of a friend travelling around and doing shows with the mind-based technology. This is where the idea of BrainTap Technologies was born.

Training Your Brain

“A lot of people think our brain is fixed. Our brain can change. You can literally retrain your brain. You can use technology, like the Brain Tap, to bring your brain back into balance and start getting the best life now instead of waiting for life to happen,” says Dr. Porter.

There are four primary brain wave states and BrainTap helps you “tap into” these different states through light, sound, and vibration. It teaches you to go to these different brain wave frequencies, which depending on your goal and the program you choose, will help you relax or give you more energy.

“We call it tai chi for the mind,” states Dr. Porter.

Listen to the podcast to find out more on the different brain states and how BrainTap can change how you think.

The Entrepreneurial Mind

“The mindset of an entrepreneur is different than the mindset of an everyday worker. That’s why there are only so many people that are successful in business,” says Dr. Porter.

Entrepreneurs tend to hit a burnout phase at some point. You work yourselves to the bone and cannot seem to shut it off at the end of the day. The brain gets stressed out and does not function at its highest peak at this point. When you can’t sleep because you are thinking too much about what to do or where to go next, you are missing a brain wave frequency called Theta which is the bridge between fears and frustrations and deep peaceful sleep. Again, BrainTap helps train your brain to move through these frequencies so you can learn how to relax or recharge your brain.

“The greatest pharmacy on Earth is not on the corner, it is in between our ears. It

Dr. Patrick Porter is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, speaker, consultant, and the creator of BrainTap Technologies which uses technology to reformat how the mind works and thinks. Dr. Porter and his newest BrainTap technology helps people tap into their minds full potential through light, sound, and frequency.

If you listen, you will learn:

How to use technology for a meditation experience
How technology can offset the stress overload that we encounter
The four primary brain wave states
How to retrain and refocus your entrepreneurial mind
Not just what to think, but how to think
How to train your brain to function at its highest peak potential

Positive Changes

At an early age, Dr. Porter had experience with meditation and relaxation techniques. His dad taught him the techniques using the Silva Relaxation Sound to work on his concentration and focus. Later in life Dr. Porter learned about Neuro-Linguistic Programming which was all about digitalization and relaxation. This lead to him creating his first business, Positive Changes.

Positive Changes turned into one of the largest self-improvement franchises using mind-based technology. This made Dr. Porter a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry. The company quickly grew when they implemented a training program of the brain technology. It continued to grow strongly until some bad hires were made and their decisions changed the course of the business.

Dr. Porter decided to get out of the business and continued to receive a payout and royalties for the technology he created. The new management of Positive Changes eventually decided to stop paying him royalties and therefore ended up in a court battle with Dr. Porter. It ended in his favor and the company could not use his technology in any future sales so quickly fell apart.

After his non-compete was over, Dr. Porter got back into the brain game with the urging of a friend travelling around and doing shows with the mind-based technology. This is where the idea of BrainTap Technologies was born.

Training Your Brain

“A lot of people think our brain is fixed. Our brain can change. You can literally retrain your brain. You can use technology, like the Brain Tap, to bring your brain back into balance and start getting the best life now instead of waiting for life to happen,” says Dr. Porter.

There are four primary brain wave states and BrainTap helps you “tap into” these different states through light, sound, and vibration. It teaches you to go to these different brain wave frequencies, which depending on your goal and the program you choose, will help you relax or give you more energy.

“We call it tai chi for the mind,” states Dr. Porter.

Listen to the podcast to find out more on the different brain states and how BrainTap can change how you think.

The Entrepreneurial Mind

“The mindset of an entrepreneur is different than the mindset of an everyday worker. That’s why there are only so many people that are successful in business,” says Dr. Porter.

Entrepreneurs tend to hit a burnout phase at some point. You work yourselves to the bone and cannot seem to shut it off at the end of the day. The brain gets stressed out and does not function at its highest peak at this point. When you can’t sleep because you are thinking too much about what to do or where to go next, you are missing a brain wave frequency called Theta which is the bridge between fears and frustrations and deep peaceful sleep. Again, BrainTap helps train your brain to move through these frequencies so you can learn how to relax or recharge your brain.

“The greatest pharmacy on Earth is not on the corner, it is in between our ears. It can release any number of 30,000 different neurochemicals to make us feel good or bad so we have the opportunity every day with technology like the BrainTap to reboot our brain and to reach our peak potential,” explains Dr. Porter.

What entrepreneur wouldn’t want that!? Take the BrainTap challenge today –  Click image below for your FREE TRIAL:

To visit the BrainTap store and purchase a headset, click HERE!

Contact Information and Bio for Dr. Porter:

BrainTap Technologies Phone: 302-721-6677

Company Website: http://braintaptechnology.com/bt/mysolidity

Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/PatrickPorter

Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrickporterphd

Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrainTapTech

Company Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/braintaptech/

Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. has been on the cutting edge of brainwave entertainment technology for 25 years. He was a co-developer of the MC2, the first personal light & sound brainwave training machine, voted “Best New Gadget of the Year” at the 1989 Consumer Electronics Show.

His newest device, BrainTap, is distinctively designed to take the Brain Tap Technology sessions to the highest possible level with the addition of light & sound frequencies.

Dr. Porter is known for developing Positive Changes, the largest self-improvement franchise using mind-based technology, making him a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement industry. Dr. Porter’s successes were featured in The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, People, Entrepreneur and INC magazines, as well as ABC, NBC, CBS and the Discovery Channel. He is a licensed trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is the head of mind-based studies at the International Quantum University of Integrative Medicine (IQUIM).

He is the author of seven books including Thrive In Overdrive, How to navigate Your Overloaded Lifestyle and the bestseller, Awaken the Genius, Mind Technology for the 21st Century, which was awarded “Best How-To Book of 1994” by the North American Book Dealers Exchange. Most recently, he co-authored with Dr. Bob Hoffman Your Flourishing Brain; How to Reboot Your Brain and Live Your Best Life Now, a book that teaches chiropractors why they must focus on neurological health and brain balance to stay on the leading edge of the profession. His highly anticipated new book, BrainTap, The Ultimate Guide to Relaxing, Rebooting and Strengthening Your Busy Brain is due for release in 2016.

Dr. Porter has produced an arsenal of more than 650 audio-recorded motivational programs and creative visualization processes, and has sold more than 3 million books and recordings worldwide.


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