ITR Economics’ senior consulting advisor Alex Chausovsky speaks to me today about the current and possible future U.S. economic predictions. We discuss the slow down on its way during the 2020s and the chance of depression in the 2030s. Alex explains why he believes these trends are possible and what a business owner can do to be prepared.

Alex explains how ITR gets their data and what services they offer their clients. These services include consulting, market forecasting, and public speaking.

What you will learn:

My visit to the Vistage Summit.
Welcome, Alex Chausovsky to the podcast.
Alex’s business background.
ITR Economics’ mission.
How ITR collects their data.
The current state of the economy and what to expect in early 2019.
The economic slow down of the 2020s.
The economic crash of the 2030s.
Why recession cycles are predictable.
How trade policy affects the economy.
The 3 factors that drive an economy.
Why immigration is important to the U.S.
The industries that are suffering at the moment.
The reasons a depression or recession happen.
Why timing is everything.
Recessions are times of opportunity.
How other global economies affect our economy.
The steps that can extend government programs such as social security.
How healthcare contributes to the problem.
“People behave the way they are incented to behave.”
Alex’s parting thoughts.


You need to build your business to sell. Think ahead and plan for economic downturns, upswings, and be a step ahead of any predictions. Learn to be nimble and adjust with the economy.

Links and Resources

Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio
GEXP Collaborative
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
Summary: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling
Prosperity in The Age of Decline: How to Lead Your Business and Preserve Wealth Through the Coming Business Cycles by Alan Beaulieu & Brian Beaulieu            
Vistage Summit
Alex on Twitter
Alex on LinkedIn
ITR Economics
Alex’s email

About Alex:

Alex Chausovsky is a highly experienced market researcher and analyst with more than a decade of expertise across subjects including macroeconomics, industrial manufacturing, energy efficiency, automation, and advanced technology trends. He has consulted and advised companies throughout the US, Europe, Brazil, China, and Japan for the last 15 years. Alex is currently responsible for providing reliable industry and company forecasts, presentations, webinars, and economic consulting services for small

ITR Economics’ senior consulting advisor Alex Chausovsky speaks to me today about the current and possible future U.S. economic predictions. We discuss the slow down on its way during the 2020s and the chance of depression in the 2030s. Alex explains why he believes these trends are possible and what a business owner can do to be prepared.

Alex explains how ITR gets their data and what services they offer their clients. These services include consulting, market forecasting, and public speaking.

What you will learn:

My visit to the Vistage Summit.
Welcome, Alex Chausovsky to the podcast.
Alex’s business background.
ITR Economics’ mission.
How ITR collects their data.
The current state of the economy and what to expect in early 2019.
The economic slow down of the 2020s.
The economic crash of the 2030s.
Why recession cycles are predictable.
How trade policy affects the economy.
The 3 factors that drive an economy.
Why immigration is important to the U.S.
The industries that are suffering at the moment.
The reasons a depression or recession happen.
Why timing is everything.
Recessions are times of opportunity.
How other global economies affect our economy.
The steps that can extend government programs such as social security.
How healthcare contributes to the problem.
“People behave the way they are incented to behave.”
Alex’s parting thoughts.


You need to build your business to sell. Think ahead and plan for economic downturns, upswings, and be a step ahead of any predictions. Learn to be nimble and adjust with the economy.

Links and Resources

Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio
GEXP Collaborative
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
Summary: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World–and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Hans Rosling
Prosperity in The Age of Decline: How to Lead Your Business and Preserve Wealth Through the Coming Business Cycles by Alan Beaulieu & Brian Beaulieu            
Vistage Summit
Alex on Twitter
Alex on LinkedIn
ITR Economics
Alex’s email

About Alex:

Alex Chausovsky is a highly experienced market researcher and analyst with more than a decade of expertise across subjects including macroeconomics, industrial manufacturing, energy efficiency, automation, and advanced technology trends. He has consulted and advised companies throughout the US, Europe, Brazil, China, and Japan for the last 15 years. Alex is currently responsible for providing reliable industry and company forecasts, presentations, webinars, and economic consulting services for small businesses, trade associations, and Fortune 500 companies across a spectrum of industries.

In his prior role, Alex led a group of analysts covering the industrial manufacturing domain. He was also the lead analyst for 3D printing at a major international firm. Alex regularly delivers keynote addresses at leading industry conferences and association events.

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