Seryna Myers is a brand strategist and speaker. Seryna believes that authenticity is key to heart centered business and that marketing can be done with integrity. Seryna advocates for self care for entrepreneurs and is a global ambassador for the body image movement.




Seryna Explains what she does, and how she attracts the people she feels a strong working connection with.

She then goes into branding, the importance of it, and what it means to her.

Alison and Seryna talk about setting proper expectations and being client focused.

She highlights a couple of key points that went into creating her successful business.

Seryna talks about marketing trends, and how they inspire branding, but also talks about where intuition and individuality come into the equation.

She discusses planing and how it fits into her overall way of doing things.

Seryna talks about her hurdles and hangups, and what she's doing about them.




"Branding got... I don't want to sat perverted, but a little bit... The term, where people just thought 'Okay, branding is logos, colors, and fonts and that's all it is"

"It's really important that you're not just making it look good, but that it's also aligned with you, your purpose, your values especially"

"If you're not coming from a place of service as a number one step... nothing else is going to resonate."

"Because I love what I do, it feels expansive. It's okay to be generous with my time. It's okay to be open."

"If you're just doing it for the paycheck, and you're just biding your time for Friday, don't work for yourself. It's just not worth it. You deserve to feel really really good about the work you do."