For loyal podcast listeners, hoorah! Another episode!

This episode begins with my apology for losing half of the previous session, and a brief summary of our fairy-mangling exploits. Due to being dim, I managed to download the same recording twice and fail to record the second one at all... sorry.

In which we do a remarkably poor job of keeping our secret rebel base secret, in the face of terrifying rolls from the GM. Violence is the last resort of the, uh, people who roll badly, I suppose.

Part sixteen of the campaign is now up on at

Episode 016: Chaos is one way of describing it.

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RSS feed for all episodes
Episode 001: Number My Thugs
Episode 002: Technically She's Goop
Episode 003: The Mediaeval Equivalent of a Zimmer Frame
Episode 004: Personal Snot Monster
Episode 005: By our powers combined
Episode 006: There is honour amongst, ah... normal civilians
Episode 007: You have it on good medical advice not to lick the ground
Episode 008: Mmm, blobs of quivering flesh - my favourite
Episode 009: A lot of papier-mâché
Episode 010: Kamikaze ferrets and commando weasels
Episode 011: It's such a horrible coincidence
Episode 012: I think we found our bass player
Episode 013: Ego Shattered!
Episode 014: Whipping up an alligator stew
Episode 015: Sewer brings back bad memories
Episode 016: Chaos is one way of describing it