Previous Episode: Libra September 2017
Next Episode: Libra November 2017

Stoner Libra the October time period brings opportunity for rewards. Keep in mind that “reward” does not imply blind luck, but a return from effort and input. So often interpretation of the cosmos and planetary influence implies destiny without choice. But this is false stoner Libra. Whether it be karmic returns or opportunities from effort, … Continue reading Libra October 2017 →

Stoner Libra the October time period brings opportunity for rewards. Keep in mind that “reward” does not imply blind luck, but a return from effort and input. So often interpretation of the cosmos and planetary influence implies destiny without choice. But this is false stoner Libra. Whether it be karmic returns or opportunities from effort, we all have influence of our experience among the stars. Take time to meditate with the sacred herb early in October. The species or strain does not matter this month stoner Libra, but the attention and guiding light should focus your third eye toward effort and result.

Investment is the key word for the October time period stoner Libra. The planets have aligned to increase the likelihood of return on investment. Let’s not constrain ourselves to a monetary result. There are many forms of investment that can provide rich rewards. Spark one up, balance your chakras, and visualize the opportunity of investment.

Investment in self:

Where are you at currently on this terrestrial plane? How would you like to proceed? Only with investment can you move forward. Health and fitness comes with an investment in body and spirit. Intellectual advancement comes with an investment in education. There is no reward without the investment of effort.

Investment in community:

Bonding with your fellow cosmic travelers is a rich reward of life. Love and companionship comes in many forms, from intimacy to smoke circles. An investment in communication will greatly increase the opportunity for reward in this regard. Only you know your community interests, and only you can invest the time and communication to strengthen your community bonds.

Investment in love:

Stoner Libra, in order to receive the rewards of love from cannabis companions, family members, or life partners, you must first invest in them. Offering a helping hand or soft shoulder will be required in October. This empathetic act of love is an investment in your fellow cosmic astronaut. Just being there and supporting others will have great rewards in spirit and love.