Previous Episode: Libra April 2016
Next Episode: Libra June 2016

Stoner Libra, you will be off to a good start, but the positive reinforcement from the planets will begin to fade towards the second ten day period.  Although work with go fairly smoothly for you, don’t underestimate the emotional roller coaster May is about to make you endure.  Do not abuse the sacred herb this … Continue reading Libra May 2016 →

Stoner Libra, you will be off to a good start, but the positive reinforcement from the planets will begin to fade towards the second ten day period.  Although work with go fairly smoothly for you, don’t underestimate the emotional roller coaster May is about to make you endure.  Do not abuse the sacred herb this month in an attempt to hide from your own thoughts.  Smoke a light Indica when desired for relaxation, but remember everything in moderation.

Although the lady stoners are more likely to be subjective, Libras of both sexes will experience great emotional vulnerability.  It will be easy for you to get stuck in a mind trap of negativity and self-loathing if you aren’t careful.  Try not to completely lose your inner balance.  Avoid any mind-altering substances, especially alcohol, and loud parties or gatherings.  Now is not the time to be social, or to lose your mind in public.  Allow yourself some alone time; some peace and quiet. Make peace with yourself.

Inside your head may feel a little chaotic at times, but work might prove to be your escape from the madness during this time, if even for a brief moment.  Tasks at hand will seem fairly simple, and you will be able to quickly and effectively accomplish them, in turn giving your confidence a much-needed boost during this time.  If you are in a higher up position, creating a positive work atmosphere for your colleagues and insubordinate’s is the most important thing you can do for everyone’s productivity at this time.  Be aware of your colleagues and in-subordinates needs if you want everyone to succeed together.  Leave the pipe at home, as it will serve you no benefit during working hours.