Previous Episode: Libra February 2018
Next Episode: Libra April 2018

Stoner Libra the sun will shine on you in March. The intensity of the cosmic rays can be uplifting and energizing, but they can also burn. Sunscreen is required to keep your skin safe from harmful rays. You will need an emotional sunscreen in March to protect your psyche from harmful sensitivity. But alas stoner … Continue reading Libra March 2018 →

Stoner Libra the sun will shine on you in March. The intensity of the cosmic rays can be uplifting and energizing, but they can also burn. Sunscreen is required to keep your skin safe from harmful rays. You will need an emotional sunscreen in March to protect your psyche from harmful sensitivity. But alas stoner Libra, there is plenty of positive aspects of a bright solar influence.

Pack a bowl full of the sacred Sativa species early and often. Quiet your mind, and allow your third eye to guide your meditative smoke sessions. Intuition and understanding have always been attributes of strength for the stoner Libra. In March this psychic understanding will be enhanced. Find every opportunity to quiet your surroundings and tune into your inner voice and your connection with the universe. This practice will help you avoid the scorching heat of extra sensitivity, and yet seek advantages in universal harmony.

Be active and be bold stoner Libra, but do so at a deliberate pace. March is the perfect period for planning projects and even starting new adventures. The energy from the solar influence will allow you to organize and receive a bounty of help from others. Blessed helpers may only require a fresh bowl of the sacred herb, pizza, and your companionship. Accomplishment will come from contemplative planning and collaborative execution.

Intuition and assertiveness will be the key to a harmonious personal life in March. Your meditative smoke session with the Sativa species will draw out ambition to solve problems. These problematic issues may not be from a current time period, but an old scab from a previous injury. March will be the perfect time to solve problems and overcome obstacles with family, lovers, and smoke buddies. You will be amazed at your power and influence in March stoner Libra. Trust your intuition, and feed your ambition. Just make sure to guard your sensitivities from hot solar flares.