Previous Episode: Libra June 2018
Next Episode: Libra August 2018

Stoner Libra, the second summer month will be a bright and dynamic period. Energy from the sun will be flowing through you like a piston firing inside your cylindrical cosmic space suit. Your capacity for work and personal projects may even surprise you. However, the bright energetic sun will burn you without taking proper precautions. … Continue reading Libra July 2018 →

Stoner Libra, the second summer month will be a bright and dynamic period. Energy from the sun will be flowing through you like a piston firing inside your cylindrical cosmic space suit. Your capacity for work and personal projects may even surprise you. However, the bright energetic sun will burn you without taking proper precautions.

Energy from the hot summer sun may provide bountiful possibilities, but it also pushes the stoner Libra closer to the melting point. The sacred herb can assist your nerves like a thick sunscreen. As with sun block for the skin, meditative contemplation must take place before the potential effects of the bright sun. Meditate with the sacred herb early in the month. Contemplate the power of patience and balancing your emotional state. The strain or species does not matter this month stoner Libra. The dynamic impact of the summer sun will overwhelm any characteristic of the herb. This preparatory meditative work could save you from a hot tempered melt down during July.

The greatest impact of the bright summer sun will come in the work sphere. Take time to contemplate with the sacred herb. Look at your work as more than what is near in this time period. Perhaps the tasks and dynamism of this July will not show immediate results, but it may be the foundation for great accomplishments in the future. Stoner Libra, don’t be afraid of expansive projects and bold ideas!

Be cautious in your quest to balance the scales of justice emotionally. We are all responsible for our own emotions, and they are completely personal to ourselves. Other’s emotions are not for you to fix or balance stoner Libra. If you attempt to repair or meddle in a cannabis companion’s emotional state, negative emotions may find you. Instead of a fix-it repair, be there for your cannabuddy with a coping bowl. Assist them in getting connected with their own third eye so that they may get beyond the emotional turmoil. They must solve this puzzle on their own. A friend with weed is a friend in deed.