2020 has been a wild year. For many, it was a year of heartache, strife, and stress. For others, it was a year of great accomplishment and new highs.
No matter which camp you fall into, you get to decide what your 2021 will look like. And you can start creating it any time.
Millions of people are suffering under the COVID lockdowns and the effects of a destroyed economy. Sometimes, just saving yourself isn't enough. The world needs people who are willing to put their neck on the line for others.
After months of sitting back and taking whatever the state and local governments were willing to throw at us, people are beginning to find their voices.
Today, we're gonna talk about a couple men who decided to start fighting back.
But in order to really make a difference, you have to have the power to do so. And power only accords itself to those who have wealth and influence. Hence the title of our show.
If you want to change the world in 2021, you have to start by changing yourself.
It just so happens that starting a business is a really good way to do that. But a lot of people don't know where to start.
Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, why not starting by choosing to do something productive every single day next year?
Jason is committed to making next year his best year ever, so he's committing to producing and publishing at least 1 content marketing piece every day in 2021.
And he'd love you to join him. Just text Publish365 to (323) 594-8781 (his personal phone number!) and he'll add you to his contact list.