Welcome back! This week’s episode is a bit different. I was recently interviewed on the Entrepreneur Power Hour podcast to discuss my background, who my role models are and the importance of crypto-currencies to create personal freedom.

I’m currently in San Diego speaking on Bitcoin at FINCON16 which is a large financial conference for bloggers, podcasters and other content creators in the finance space. For some reason, they’ve either never heard of Bitcoin or are very unfamiliar with it. After my presentation, that should change.

Short episode this week, but I should have plenty of content and updates in the next few weeks. This is a very exciting opportunity and I’m thrilled to do whatever I can to push forward an understanding and appreciation for Bitcoin, crypto-currencies and blockchain technology.
In Liberty,

PS: SHOUT OUT to all my new listeners in Mexico! While I didn’t expect to have such a following in Mexico, it’s definitely appreciated! If you are from Mexico, send me a tweet @libertyepodcast and let me know where you live! Maybe I’ll give you a shout out on the next show :) Hasta luego!