This week I’ve decided to give you a preview of the presentation I’m giving at the FinCon 2016 Conference in San Diego on Sept 23rd. FinCon is a big financial conference, held every year, which caters to financial bloggers, podcasters and content creators. The average age is 36 and it’s 50% male and 50% female.

They’ve asked me to be the FIRST EVER speaker on crypto-currencies and I’m really excited to present. The purpose of this episode is to give you an idea of the topics I’d like to cover and ask for YOUR feedback and suggestions.

Remember, this crowd is young, financially savvy, active on social media and basically replacing the old school, mainstream media. Although they have a background in finance and economics...many of them have only heard of Bitcoin; most likely because of Mt. Gox, the Bitfinex hack, Silk Road or that it’s only used for illegal purposes. You know, the only reasons that the establishment media has reported on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin in Venezuela and Argentina - Inflation is out of control! I can ask something like “should you have the freedom to choose to store your wealth and transact in a currency that isn’t being hyper-inflated by central banks?” How would your life be affected if you had 100% inflation per year?” Should the people in these countries have alternative money options?
Math vs Politicians - who do you trust? Remember, a lot of these people got BERN’D with the elections and most will be quite intelligent...just not crypto-savvy. Bitcoin is regulated by MATH whereas fiat currencies are regulated by politicians.
How To Use Bitcoin - I could show a screenshot of a Bitcoin wallet and maybe give a demonstration of how it works. I could offer $1 in Bitcoin to anyone who comes up to me after the presentation with a newly installed wallet. I could recommend several wallets for iOS and Android.

I could talk for 2 hours, but i’ve only got 30m. What do YOU think are the best topics for me to present to a fresh, young crowed of financial content creators? This is not only a great opportunity for me, but a great opportunity for Bitcoin. If these people have the knowledge, resources and an understanding of how Bitcoin helps all people; the poor, the unbanked, business people, the left, the right, entrepreneurs and everyone in between...then we could have HUNDREDS more bloggers and podcasters spreading the awesomesauce of Bitcoin rather than just repeating all the shenanigans and lies that the establishment media offers.

I need your input. One of the best things about being an Entrepreneur is that we create networks of people who are actively building, offering advice and excited to share their experiences and feedback. How can I help you become more successful? Are you looking to network? Maybe have someone review your business plan? Lemme know how I can help!

You can help me out by:
Tweeting your ideas and feedback to @libertyepodcast
Send an email to [email protected]
Send a message to our Facebook page
Join the Liberty Entrepreneurs public Facebook group so that we can all start to network and build community together. The link is below. It’s pretty quiet in there for now, but please introduce yourself and start a conversation.

Thanks again for tuning in to this special episode of the Liberty Entrepreneurs Podcast and please share it with a friend. Until next time...KEEP BUILDING FREEDOM!!


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