People admire celebrities for various reasons. 

Some can be healthy reasons.  By that, I mean aspirational or motivational.  You can admire somebody who takes his talent, combines it with a work ethic and makes creations that thousands of people can enjoy. 

But people can admire celebrities for unhealthy or pathological or pathological reasons—especially if you feel like a nobody and envy the rich and famous, or those that are excellent in what they do.  Fans will do anything to have a brush with, even a fleeting moment with, what they consider to be greatness.  Right?

I mean, celebrity worship is rampant.  If they get a chance, people want to take a selfie with their favorite celebrity.  Or someone they admire in some way.

But what bothers me is how many people feel like a nobody in comparison with people other people.  So I want to remind you, when you feel like a nobody, that in Christ, your life is uniquely special, and eternally important.