Previous Episode: Thoughts on Galatians 6:7

Who is Paul talking to when he writes, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap?” 

He’s talking to church people. 

He’s not griping about the surrounding culture or shaking his finger at the Roman Empire, warning corrupt outsiders that God is about to smack them down. 

No. He’s writing to those who believe in Christ. To those under grace. 

If we live out of Christ’s Spirit, we’ll reap the blessings of eternal life. We’ll experience a bit of heaven right now. 

But, if we live from our old selves, we’ll reap corruption—moral decay—and spend our lives with nothing to show for it. It’s a promise and a warning. 

A promise that we’ll reap benefits of living in the Spirit. A warning that we’ll reap the rot of living out our old ways. 

So Paul says, “Don’t lie to yourself. You can’t change Reality.” 

The world needs to see the church living a new life and reaping those rewards.