Previous Episode: All Is Lost

“Don't think about making women fit the world — think about making the world fit women,” Gloria Steinem said.  It’s a pretty famous quote.  I haven’t followed Steinem’s writings, but this quote is a great launching point to discuss the idea of subjectivism.  

And the issue goes much broader than what we call “women’s issues.”

And I want to make sure I hit this issue at the proper level.  If Steinem means that we should change the world to make things better for women because it hasn’t been so good in the past, I don’t think anyone argues with that in a general sense.  In a general sense.

But let’s take women’s issues out of it for now and focus on the thought of making the world fit us rather than us aligning ourselves to the world.  

Is that a good idea?  

Can we make the world fit us?