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A conservative Hollywood screenwriter’s latest novel takes on the
narcissism of our age in a hilarious Faustian remake.

The Goat

By Roger L Simon

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THE GOAT - by Roger Simon [].

Turning Right at Hollywood and Vine: The Perils of Coming Out Conservative in Tinseltown - Roger L. Simon

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The Bubble: How Higher Education Abandoned its Mission and Became America's Most Over-Rated Product

By Bob Zadek

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I want to tell you about the AMAZING potential of a powerful combination of ALL-NATURAL herbs that can restore your vitality.

This ancient Ayurvedic formula actually REVERSES aging at the cellular level and can make you feel 15-25-35 or even 55 years younger. It’s harvested from the high ridges of the Himalayas where only the bravest sherpas dare to tread.

If it sound too good to be true, well… maybe it is.

This miracle mixture can be YOURS for just one easy payment of... your soul.

No, this is not a Sunday morning radio infomercial – it's the premise of The GOAT, a new book from Academy Award-winning screenwriter Roger Simon.

Some call him the Godfather of conservative new media. He was nominated for an Oscar in 1990 for his screenplay of the movie “Enemies, A Love Story.”

He's also a deep political thinker, but his true art is writing stories.

He found success in Hollywood before “blacklisting himself” by coming out as a conservative.

He wrote the popular Moses Wine detective series, as well as the Big Fix – both the book and the screenplay) and he’s worked with Woody Allen, Bette Midler, and Richard Pryor.

Roger is also a co-founder and CEO emeritus of PJ Media - the powerhouse alternative media company that has launched conservative comedian Steven Crowder and others to fame.

He joined the show to discuss his latest work, his writing ethos, and why the storytelling medium is inherently conservative.