Larry Klayman on the Corrupt Federal Judiciary

Sunday 8-9am PACIFIC

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“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” – Thomas Jefferson

It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!

By Klayman Esq., Larry

The above quote by the Father of the Declaration of Independence is sometimes cited by those seeking to stir up strife. Larry Klayman, international litigator and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, understands Jefferson differently. Far from calling for an illegal insurrection against the government, Klayman places Jefferson’s remarks in the context of his opposition to a corrupt federal judiciary, where fallible men would be granted lifetime appointments.

This world of unchecked power is not what the Framers of the Constitution intended or authorized. Yet such is the world we now live in, where the power to impeach judges for bad behavior is exercised roughly as often as the Colorado Rockies win the World Series (on average, once every 30 years).

The last time I had Klayman on my show, Barack Obama was still President and Klayman had just formed “Freedom Watch” – a political interest group with the aim of preserving freedom in the face of a corrupt legal system, in which many judges have been ethically compromised.

Klayman’s new book, It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry, is an eye-opening account of his decades of litigation experience, combined with a new narrative for American patriots who want to resist the encroachments of tyrants and petty bureaucrats alike. From bribery to blackmail, Klayman exposes what really motivates the unelected lifetime appointees on the federal bench, and lays out the options for restoring the Republic.

Is it time for the people to rise up peacefully and lawfully in defense of our essential liberty? Tune in and decide for yourself.

Join our conversation live this Sunday (11/22), at 8am PACIFIC time. As always, your calls are welcome.

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Essential Liberty: Finding Freedom in a Post-COVID World

By Zadek, Bob

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It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry

Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment!

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Who’s Looking Out for Us? With Larry Klayman, April 12, 2012

The People Vs. Washington Insiders – The Ultimate RICO Case with Peter Schweizer, Feb. 24, 2014

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The Curious Case of the $32,000 Couch Sept. 2, 2018

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