We have our first ever guest on TST, as Felix welcomes Twitter analyst and FiveYards scout Andy Watson onto the pod. They discuss the rise of the 'fanalyst' on Twitter, growth of fan channels, the 'transfer market for fans' and of course, the XI Rovers players that Andy thinks 'look good on paper'!!

Andy's Twitter: https://twitter.com/andywatsonsport

How to get started with Analytics: https://twitter.com/andywatsonsport/status/1356887482776879105?s=20

Rovers Chat: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnsgcD29FuvWKmlbrionJA

FiveYards: fiveyards.co.uk

Bees Analytica fan list: https://twitter.com/BeesAnalytica/status/1339266997167730690?s=20

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