Hello again, 

Sad news it's the last day of pride but we have a special guest up for you! Vanessa, a multipotentialite, contributor of 3 podcasts, business owner plus part time at other job, recently graduated with baccalaureate, fluent in at least 2 languages plus sign language, plus a plethora of other things, has graced us with her presence to talk about her life, experiences, and some projects she somehow still has time for. 

Podcasts: Not Another X files Podcast (Cohost)

               The mulit-pod (Contributor)

               The best of the WWest (Editor) 



If you liked this episode be sure to like, share and/or leave a review so others can find us and hear our stories. If you'd like to guest please DM us on twitter or email us at [email protected]. We also have a Ko-fi account if you'd like to donate us a cups of tea or at least give the cats some cat treats to occupy their time. Thanks for listening!   

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