Sharon's played a crucial role in bringing meditation and mindfulness to the west, and into mainstream culture since 1974, when she first began teaching. She's a regular columnist for On Being, a contributor to the Huffington Post, and the host of her own podcast, the Metta Hour.


What is Meditation?


“I think people have a lot of ideas, I certainly did, about what meditation is and what it isn't. Sometimes those ideas are pretty off … the point isn't to make a certain thing happen, but to relate different to whatever is happening with more balance, with more kindness, with more presence.”- Sharon Salzberg.


There is a lot of social pressure for meditation to a blissful, peaceful experience. But that’s truly not the final goal, to have a blank thought. Meditation is creating a neutral experience in your everyday life through the ability to be more intuitive with your thoughts and feelings. Positive and negative ones. It changes the way we relate to those feelings and how we can process them.


How do you Meditate?

There’s no set guidelines, or rules. It can be a very personal experience. You can meditate sitting, laying down, walking or while your in the grocery store. Meditation can be e


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