Dr. Ed Hoffman is on the podcast this week to discuss how teams and organizations can improve their performance through knowledge, process, and project management. As the former Chief Knowledge Officer for NASA, Ed understands the importance of storing and organizing knowledge for organizations—and he's here to show us all how to improve it in our own companies. Listen in to learn how you can implement some of the same techniques NASA uses to complete projects and send people into outer space.

Dr. Ed Hoffman is the former Chief Knowledge Officer for NASA, CEO of Knowledge Strategies, Senior Advisor to the Project Management Institute, and Senior Lecturer at Columbia University's Information and Knowledge Strategy Program. Prior to his role as Chief Knowledge Officer, he was the founding director of the NASA Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership. During his time in this role, the Academy was the top-rated project management academy in the world.

Check out the full show notes at https://getleverage.com/podcast/86