According to Peter Diamandis, MD, we’ll make more technological progress and breakthroughs in the next 10 years than in the past 100, including current developments in fusion, humanoid robots, avatars, and ChatGPT. Listen as Levels Founder Josh Clemente talks with Peter Diamandis about technological breakthroughs and what they mean for the future of medicine, and how to shift your mindset as an entrepreneur to make a real change in the world. Peter Diamandis was recently named by Fortune as one of the world’s 50 greatest leaders. He’s the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, executive founder of Singularity University, and bestselling author, and is a never-ending source of positive inspiration for entrepreneurs.

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🎙 What Peter Diamandis, MD, & Levels Founder Josh Clemente, discuss:

(08:18) — Chat GPT may have applications for metabolic health

(16:23) — AI, in the future, may help us better use biomarker data

(20:28) — Technological inventions are moving at a rapid pace compared to 100 years ago

(22:39) —The future of technological advancements can seem mind-blowing

(28:08) — Entrepreneurs can feel empowered by the potential the future holds

(31:25) — AI can help us find the content that’s beneficial to us

(34:22) — Our mindset is a precious thing, and we can train it

(36:32) —The longevity of content can sometimes be a metric for filtering

(45:02) — Nanotechnology is a trend that may help change the medical field

(46:56) — Tech advances may force healthcare industry disruption

Transcript & show notes

Levels helps you see how food affects your health, empowering you with the tools needed to achieve health goals and improve healthspan. Levels Members gain access to the Levels app and continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), providing real-time feedback on how diet and lifestyle choices impact your metabolic health.

Look for new shows every month on A Whole New Level, where we have in-depth conversations about metabolic health and how the Levels startup team builds a wellness movement from the ground up in the health and wellness tech industry.

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