We have our first guest in the eSports space this week! Nicole Pike is the Managing Director of Nielsen Esports. Nicole went to school thinking she would go into international affairs and politics. Instead, she ended up at one of the largest market and product research companies in the world working on eSports. She has […]

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We have our first guest in the eSports space this week! Nicole Pike is the Managing Director of Nielsen Esports. Nicole went to school thinking she would go into international affairs and politics. Instead, she ended up at one of the largest market and product research companies in the world working on eSports. She has been with Nielsen for almost her entire career. Nicole tells Bobbi-Sue about her passion for figuring out what drives consumer behavior and how she landed in a space that didn’t exist just 5 years ago. The discussion captures a lot of the background info on eSports and where it’s headed. Olympics, anyone? The dynamics with eSports and brand sponsorships takes the main stage during this conversation. Obviously, Bobbi-Sue asks Nicole about women in eSports, the lack of diversity overall, and how Gamergate-type events can be prevented moving forward. It’s a comprehensive look at a side of the sports industry that many, especially Bobbi-Sue, are trying to wrap their hands around.

Big thanks to FIU for sponsoring this episode! If you’re thinking of going to grad school, check out Florida International University‘s online graduate programs!

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The post Leveling The Playing Field: Nicole Pike, Managing Director of Nielsen eSports appeared first on Radio Influence.

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