Previous Episode: The Return and Future 086
Next Episode: Health 2022

5 Things you can do to improve 2022

Think about what is going good in your life we tend to focus on the bad.

IT is small consistent choices that add up the compounding effect.

Retrain your thinking Positive mind set- its not just about being positive its finding the good in the bad how is life happening for you - Life is happening for you not to you. Mindset and our internal thinking You have to want to change, you have to want to see the good Health Its not just about diets- diets don't work Sleep is important Breathing Resting Quality of Food Drinking Water Relationships God - how do you relate to God, is he personal to you? Spouse - Kids Friends Everyone else Time You can never get time back How do we waste time ? How to improve our use of time? Is time a dimension we live in? Spirituality No matter your belief system you have a religion you live by Our Spirituality is personal and part of our belief system Our Spirituality effects all parts of our life.

Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.